"May reconciliation, hope, diligence and justice be ever with you all.” Gurdjieff, 1912

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 Just a few years ago, before Google and Yahoo, if one searched for "Gurdjieff" on search engines like AltaVista, just one page came up - with about eighteen website links. Today a Google search offers up to 928,000 (website-links).

GURDJIEFF HERITAGE SOCIETY would like to support the activities of some of our friends and colleagues.
We draw your attention to the following websites:

Armenia-Gurdjieff Conference

GURDJIEFF conferences in Armenia with Concerts, Feasts with Traditional Toasting, Visits to Gurdjieff's birthplace, side visits to Tiflis, etc.

By The Way Books

A primary source for GURDJIEFF Books, Journals, Videos and Music Recordings.

Church of Conscious Harmony

A very interesting Church "Based on the Esoteric Christianity of G.I. GURDJIEFF."

Dancing Crane Georgian Dance Theater

An Authentic Russian Georgian Ensemble of Dancers, Singers and Musicians based in New York State.


A New York City based Theatrical Troupe with unusual "Spiritual Aims."

Gurdjieff Bibliography

"Provides accounts of perceptive encounters with Gurdjieff as well as knowledgeable analysis of his writings, philosophy and influence."

Gurdjieff Dominican Group

"Information   regarding activities  of  the Dominican Group, internationally as well as local". 

Gurdjieff International Review

A source of informed essays and commentary on the history, writings, and teachings of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff."

Gurdjieff Internet Guide

"Gurdjieff Links by Category - Gurdjieff Links by Country - General Links."

Gurdjieff’s Teaching In the Groups of Willem A. Nyland

"Willem A. Nyland, a pupil of Gurdjieff for twenty-five years, devoted his life to the practice and teaching of Gurdjieff’s ideas."

Indications Press

"Indications Press presents original works of interest to those actively engaged in the search for consciousness and in developing an attention which can know its Source."

Terry Winter Owens

Terry Winter Owens, in addition to being an internationally published composer and pianist, is a long-time student of the Gurdjieff work, and is herself a group leader in New York City."

  Vanaver Caravan

An American/International Dance and Musicians Ensemble.

Site Webmaster BEAMSCO

Professional excellence and personal generosity of Stephen and Marina Foster put at the service of The Gurdjieff Mission.

Created by
for Gurdjieff Heritage Society, Inc ~ Copyright 2006 ~ Dushka Howarth, President ~ New York  ~ All Rights Reserved ~
 Email The Society

     Photographs on this website appear in Jessmin & Dushka Howarth's Book "It's Up To Ourselves" A Mother, A Daughter, and GURDJIEFF